Mayo Decarbonising Communities Network
The Mayo Decarbonising Communities Network is a community-based project, which empowers communities around Mayo to address the climate emergency on a local level. The initiative provides a forum for communities to work together, learn from, and inspire each other to cut local emissions. In turn, these efforts contribute to the global goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050.
The initiative was formed as a direct response to Mayo County Council inviting communities to apply to become Mayo’s first Decarbonising Zone. Communities were invited to attend workshops led by experts in various fields and ten communities, representing 30% of the area of Mayo and 19% of the population, applied to become Mayo’s initial decarbonising zone. Mulranny was chosen as the Decarbonising Zone, but ten communities, with the support of Mayo County Council, have formed a network, to learn from and support each other to reduce their emissions by 50% by 2030. Through the DZ application process and our work with the PPN and the Environmental Awareness Officer, it became clear that although many groups and individuals were working on environmental and decarbonising actions they were often unaware of what other groups in their community and across the county were doing. Here is where the Decarbonising Community Network serves it purpose.
The communities have presented their ‘Visions for 2030’ for their low-carbon future to their Municipal Districts. Their visions outline the beautiful future envisioned for their community and outline how they can be created by acting on climate change. Elected representatives and Mayo County Council have provided funding to community Climate action projects following these presentations. It has also opened doors to other funding streams and successful collaborations in the brief time it has been established. The local authority has engaged with the communities on various EU funding opportunities that have presented themselves due to the connections and partnerships built by the network.
Groups in Mayo Decarbonising Network:
Mulranny Decarbonising Community
Coiste Cultur Teanga Agus Forbatha
Climate Action Louisburg Locality (CALL)