Public Participation Network

View our Website here
To view our interactive map of commuity groups registered with Mayo PPN please visit:
We are a network of over 1,000 community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations working to build a better county for the communities of Mayo.
All our members are encouraged to engage actively with local democratic processes and contribute meaningfully to the policies and plans that ultimately will affect their communities.
We provide a strong voice for our community, voluntary and environmental sectors in local decision-making, with PPN representatives gathering feedback and delivering input into policymaking and reflecting the range of views of all members.
Working in partnership with Mayo County Council, we are the main link between the council and our members, ensuring that our members are represented on council committees and actively involved in every public consultation and policymaking process.
Clear and transparent mechanisms for the selection of these representatives is in place. We also work closely with other PPNs around the country to contribute positively to regional and national policies.
A valuable resource for community groups, we keep community groups informed of relevant local issues, news, events, resources and supports. Information is shared on PPN social media sites, by newsletter and on the PPN website.
We also offer training supports to enable our members to grow and develop the capacity to effectively achieve their goals.
All community groups within County Mayo are encouraged to join us. If your group would like to join, it should:
- be active and have a postal address in the county
- operate on a not-for-profit basis
- be volunteer led
- be independent and non-party political
- have at least five members and open to new members
- meet regularly
- have an appropriate governance structure e.g. a set of rules/financial procedures.
- be in existence for at least six months
- be non-party political
Contact Us here
Duncan Stewart commends Mayo PPN Community Groups in showcasing Climate Action & Biodiversity
Duncan Stewart, Environmentalist, Architect & TV Personality speaks about the wonderful work being done in County Mayo by PPN Community Groups which were recently highlighted by Mayo Public Participation Network (Mayo PPN).
Duncan was delighted to see the videos released in March by Mayo PPN in collaboration with The Climate Action Office in Mayo County Council.
The series of short videos highlight the work of community groups around Mayo to help keep our planet Green. He spoke about each of the videos individually, giving some top tips and advice on the next steps in helping to protect our environment.
To view all Mayo PPN Climate Action videos please click here
Mayo PPN Climate Conversations 2022
In June 2022, the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications invited PPNs nationally to participate in the Climate Conversations process. This is to feed into the National Climate Action Plan. Mayo PPN held the Climate Conversations workshop on June 22nd, 2022 in Mayo House.
A representative from the Climate adaptation, Citizen Engagement and Local Authority was present for the workshop.
The main points raised were:
Climate Literacy, Community Actions and Barriers, Individual Actions and Barriers, Government and Local Support & Policy Priorities, Climate Communications.
The National Dialogue on Climate Action (NDCA) is the forum for public participation and citizen engagement in climate action in Ireland.
PPN groups from across environmental, social inclusion, and community and voluntary sector came together to discuss climate change.
The workshop looked at areas on what is required to change our individual behaviour including how we work, heat our homes, travel, consume goods and services, and manage our waste.
The feedback gained from these sessions will feed into the Climate Action Plan 2022 and sectoral policies.
The Mayo PPN meeting was both informative and enlightening. Participants were very engaged with the challenges surrounding climate change and spoke openly and honestly about their experiences and concerns. There was a significant body of experience within the group and it was a wonderful PPN networking Climate Conversations event. This was a space for Mayo communities to learn from each other on how to reduce their carbon footprint and to identify supports and funding opportunities that may be available to them.