Irish Tourist Association Survey
The Irish Tourist Association (ITA) Topographical and General Survey was compiled in the early 1940s on a parish basis within each county, presumably in an effort to gather information to promote Irish tourism post World War II. Surveyors were appointed and information was gathered by visits to the parish and the filling in of forms.
Five different forms were issued to the surveyors, not all were relevant to each parish. The headings for each form were as follows:
Form A :
Natural Features, Antiquities, Historic Associations etc . Subheadings: Topography; Geology; Mansions, Castles & Estates; Antiquities; Historic Sites; Historic House, Burial Places; Spas or Mineral Springs; Curiosities; Customs, Patterns etc
Form B :
Sports and Games. Subheadings: Angling; Sea Angling: Golfing; Racing; Hunting; Coursing; Greyhound Racing; Shooting; Clay Pigeon Shooting; Rowing and Sailing: Games and Recreations; Athletics and Cycling; Annual Events.
Form C :
Seaside Resorts, Holiday Amenities and General Information. The subheadings are almost the same as Form D but under location they include descriptions of the beach, amenities, amusements, swimming baths, beach attendant etc
Form D :
Town or Village, Amenities and General Information. Subheadings: Location including brief description, population, recreation grounds, sewerage and water supplies; Public Services; Dancing; Cinemas and Theatres; Libraries; Churches and Services; Postal Facilities; Banking; Sports and Photo Supplies; Swimming Pools and Baths; Social Clubs, Cultural Societies etc; Industries and Handcrafts; Public Monuments; Important Public Buildings; Schools and Colleges; Hospitals; Fairs and Markets; Half Holiday; Garages and Petrol Stations; Conveyances for Hire (Owners); Camping sites.
Form E :
Town or Village, Accommodation and Catering, subheadings hotels, guest or boarding houses, restaurants and cafes. Gives numbers of bedrooms, bathrooms, lavatories, public rooms, whether licensed or not and a column for remarks.
When there was not enough room on the form to fill in all the details additional pages were included. For some parishes drawings were made of antiquities and photographs taken of scenic views, places of interest and archaeological sites.
A descriptive list of the survey and further information was compiled in 2008 by archivest Brigid Clesham and can be viewed by clicking on the attached documents.