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Minister Kevin Moran Welcomes Construction Commencement For The Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme

Date: 07-03-2025

Kevin Moran T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW), is delighted to announce the commencement of construction for River Deel (Crossmolina) Flood Relief Scheme by OPW’s own direct labour force.

Welcoming the commencement of construction, Minister Moran said “this development will be a significant boost to residents and businesses in Crossmolina who have suffered serious flooding in the past”.  The River Deel (Crossmolina) Flood Relief Scheme includes a diversion channel upstream of Crossmolina town, which will redirect flood waters away from the town, directly to the flood plains of Lough Conn. The scheme’s design was completed by Ryan Hanley Engineering and Environmental Consultants who were appointed by the OPW, with project oversight provided by a Steering Group comprising representatives from the OPW and Mayo County Council.

The Minister said “the flood relief scheme is being built directly by the OPW and will take some four years to construct.  When built, the Scheme will afford protection to some 73 residential and 43 business properties in Crossmolina from significant flood events”.   Minister Moran went on to say that “Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme is part of the Government’s strategy under Project Ireland 2040 to make Ireland a better country for all and to build a more resilient and sustainable future. The scheme, which has an approved project budget of €34m which includes a construction cost of €19.8 million, has been funded through the Government’s 2030 National Development Plan with €1.3 billion allocated for flood relief measures, including from the impacts of climate change through future-proofed, adaptable flood relief schemes”.

Kevin Kelly, Chief Executive of Mayo County Council said “I welcome the commencement of this much anticipated flood relief scheme. Mayo County Council, as the principal response agency for flood events, have dealt with numerous instances of flooding in Crossmolina town over the past 20 years. I wish to thank the local flood action group in Crossmolina for their assistance in the preparation of emergency response plans for the town and their continued response during these extreme flood events together with the staff and Members of Mayo County Council. Mayo County Council will continue to assist the OPW throughout the construction phase, minimising the impact of construction on the local community and providing much needed protection for the properties and public infrastructure at risk”.

This investment in Crossmolina, Minister Moran highlighted “is part of the Government €93m investment and commitment to the delivery of flood relief measures across Co. Mayo. As part of this overall investment I want to reaffirm the funding commitment of €55 million for the Ballina Flood Relief Scheme which has recently been approved by OPW to proceed to the Planning Stage. This overall investment also includes €2m for a scheme completed in 2024 at Westport (Cois Abhainn & Ashwood). The Government has also invested approximately €2.3m million across 37 schemes throughout Mayo through the OPW’s Minor Works and Coastal Protection Scheme and funding under this scheme remains available to Mayo County Council and all local authorities to address localised flood mitigation measures.”

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