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End of Bathing Water Monitoring Season

Date: 20-09-2024

Mayo County Council wish to advise that the bathing water monitoring season has now closed from 15th September 2024. No further monitoring of identified bathing areas will take place until the start of the next bathing season on 1st June 2025.

After a heavy rainfall event, all beaches and bathing areas can be impacted by increased surface water run-off and storm water overflows which can increase the risk of pollutants in the water. If undertaking any bathing or water activities at any time of the year,  it is recommended to follow the 48 Hour Rule and avoid recreational water activities, for a period of 48 hours (2 full days) following heavy rainfall, at all beaches and bathing areas, in order to prevent the risk of getting a recreational water illness.

Further information and advice is available on

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