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Women’s Autumn Wellness Revival Launch

Date: 22-09-2023

Introducing the 'Women’s Autumn Wellness Revival' - A Holistic Health & Fitness Suite for Women Over 40

 As the leaves begin to change and the crisp autumn air settles in, we're excited to introduce a comprehensive wellness program tailored specifically for women over 40. Welcome to the 'Women’s Autumn Wellness Revival,' a season of rejuvenation for the mind and body.

Visit our interactive Calendar to book a spot on available events 

This unique program takes a holistic approach to well-being, encompassing all essential components of fitness, including cardiovascular health, flexibility, core strength, and overall strength. The goal is to empower women over 40 to prioritize their health and vitality in a supportive and inspiring environment.

We kicked off this empowering program with our insightful 'Mastering Midlife' webinar last Monday, and we're thrilled to announce that Part 2 is right around the corner next week!

Stay tuned as we plan to expand our offerings throughout the year to support your wellness journey. Keep an eye on our website for updates and exciting additions!

Your well-being matters, and we're here to help you thrive this Autumn and beyond.

For additional queries contact Mayo Sports Partnership

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