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Visit Mayo Culinary Tours

Food isn’t just about eating! Some of the best memories you’ll make on your culinary visit to Mayo will involve learning about food and drink, where it comes from and how it’s made, and perhaps even making your own.

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Accessibility statement for Mayo County Council

It is the intention of Mayo County Council to present information on this website in a format which is accessible to all, regardless of ability or disability. This website is run by Mayo County Council. We want as many people as possible...

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Mayo National Roads Office N26 Realignment at Cloongullane Bridge

Project Description 

The proposed road development includes the realignment of 1.8km of the N26 at Cloongullane, approximately 3.4km north-west of Swinford. The project crosses the River Moy Special Area of Conservation (SAC). 

The proposed road development include...

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Mayo National Roads Office N17/R320 Lisduff Junction Upgrade


The route corridors shown on this map are for general location purposes only.  They are approximate and do not represent the actual design. 

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