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Housing Services

Mayo Vacant Home Matchmaker Scheme

The Mayo Vacant Home Matchmaker Scheme is on hand to help connect owners of vacant properties and potential buyers.

The aim is to match vacant property homeowners who would like to sell their property with people who may want to purchase a vacant property. 

Not all vacant homeowners have the available time or financial resources to return their property to use, and sometimes the best solution is to sell the property to someone who can do it up for their own use.

Whether your vacant home needs repair or is 'ready-to-occupy you are welcome to join the scheme.

The Mayo Vacant Home Matchmaker Scheme is a free service.  The Council holds two lists; one of potential buyers and one of owners interested in selling their vacant property.   

When the Council spots a 'match' between a vacant home for sale and a buyer's requirements, the vacant homeowner and the buyer will receive each other’s details to follow-up.

Outlining the benefits of the scheme Tom Gilligan, Director of Services for Mayo County Council said: “For both the vacant property owner and the potential buyer, this is a win-win as it’s a service that is totally free for both.

“The property owner will see themselves matched up with people who specifically want to purchase a vacant house and for the potential buyer there are a wide range of vacant homes from contemporary to period and move-in conditions to properties along with others that require major works, in areas all over the county.”

Please note the Mayo Vacant Home Matchmaker Scheme is not an estate agency, and all negotiations and sales processes take place between the owner and buyer.

We recommend that anyone who is seeking to sell or buy property obtains independent professional valuation and legal advice (from a solicitor or estate agent).

Mayo County Council will not be involved in the sale or disposal and our only role is to provide relevant details for people to get in contact with each other and follow up. The Council is requesting that only genuine, interested enquiries get in contact.

If you would like to take part in the scheme please contact Mayo County Council at and use ‘Mayo Vacant Home Matchmaker’ as the subject / Title. If you are a potential seller of a vacant home, please supply us with all the relevant property details.

Acceptance on to the scheme is at the discretion of Mayo County Council

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