Burial Grounds
There are 126 Burial Grounds under the control of Mayo County Council. It is our to work closely with local communities in the maintenance and upkeep of local burial grounds. At present there are 105 Committees actively involved in the upkeep and improvement of their local burial ground. We acknowledge and appreciate the voluntary effort being made by these communities and look forward to their continued participation.
Mayo County Council also provides financial assistance to Burial Ground committees. Any community is welcome to get involved in the up-keep or improvement of local burial grounds.
For further information contact your local area office.
Purchase a grave
Contact the Environment Section on 094 9064000 for details of your local Caretaker. Give details of the death to be recorded or our Registers and a plot will be marked out by the Caretaker in sequential order.
The cost of a single plot is €600, and of a double plot €1200. Payment is to Mayo County Council.
No plots may be purchased in advance, Plots can only be purchased after death has occurred. No Triple Plots are sold.
Contact your local Undertaker, who employs the grave diggers and they will arrange funeral proceedings and burial. Contact the Environment Section for list of Monumental Sculptors who are registered with Mayo County Council.