Local Area Plan
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a statutory document which sets out a strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of a specific area within a local authority and for a timescale, as specified by the authority. The plan must consist of a written statement and map or maps, which set out the local authorities’ objectives for the plan area. The objectives contained in a Local Area Plan must be consistent with the objectives of the County Development Plan and must include information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the Plan.
A LAP is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Sections 18-20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, (as amended), and in consultation with local communities, members of the public, service providers, statutory bodies and landowners. The making of a Local Area Plan is a reserved function of Elected Members of the County Council (Councillors). The Members can adopt, amend or revoke the Plan following consideration of any issues raised.
The requirements of an LAP are set out in the Local Area Plans: Guidelines for Planning Authorities.
Update - Ministerial Direction issued 25th October 2024.
Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 - Effective from 8th July 2024
Update 25th October 2024: Ministerial Direction In The Matter Of Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)
The Minister of State for Local Government and Planning wrote to Mayo County Council on 25th October, 2024 and advised the Authority to take notice that on that date he issued a Direction pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (As Amended) Pursuant to Section 31(7) of the Act. The Minister further advised that, pursuant to Section 31(17) of the Act, the Direction is deemed to have immediate effect and its terms are considered to be incorporated into the Plan.
In light of the foregoing, the Council is required, pursuant to Section 31(2) of the Act to comply with this Direction so as to rectify the matter in a manner that, in the opinion of the Minister, will ensure that the Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development and meets the requirements of the Act. The Direction requires as follows:
2 (a) Delete the following material alterations from the adopted Local Area Plan
(i) Material Alteration MA 2 - i.e. Policy DSP 10;
(ii) Material Alteration 31 - i.e. Footnote 2, which applies to the Open for Consideration status for Residential - single use under Agriculture land use zoning in the Land Use Zoning Matrix Table, as modified at adoption;
A copy of the Direction can be viewed at the following link: Ministerial Direction
A copy of the Ministers letter can be view at the following link: Ministers Letter
The adopted and in effect Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 and Land Use Zoning Map can be found at the following links:
Environmental Reports
- Westport Appropriate Assessment Concluding Statement (coming soon)
- Westport Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Report (coming soon)
- Westport Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Westport Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report
- Westport Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement
Update - Ministerial Direction issued 15th October 2024.
Ballina Local Area Plan 2024-2030 - Effective from 30th October 2024
Notice of Intention to Issue a Direction to the Council, by the Minister for Local Government and Planning, on the Ballina Local Area Plan 2024-2030
The Ballina Local Area Plan 2024-2030 was formally made by the Elected Members of the Ballina Municipal District of Mayo County Council on 18th September 2024. The Plan has effect from 30th October 2024 for a period of 6 years until 2030, save for those items referenced in the section below headed: ‘Draft Ministerial Direction’.
The 2-week public consultation period on the Draft Ministerial Direction on the Ballina Local Area Plan 2024-2030 commenced on 29th October until 12th November 2024 inclusive. For all details see https://consult.mayo.ie/en/consultation/notice-intention-issue-direction-council-minister-local-government-and-planning-ballina-local-area
The adopted Ballina Local Area Plan and Land Use Zoning Map can be found at the following links:
Ballina Local Area Plan 2024-2030 (Subject to Draft Ministerial Direction)
Draft Direction (Minister of State for Local Government and Planning 15th October 2024)
Ministers letter to Chief Executive
As required under Sections 31AO(5) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (As Amended) the Planning Authority issued notification of the Plan's adoption to the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR). The Chief Executive also informed the OPR of the decision of the Authority not to comply with certain recommendations made in the relevant report of the OPR, together with reasons for the decision of the Authority.
On 15th October 2024 the Minister of State for Local Government and Planning issued a ‘Notice of Intention to Issue a Direction’ to the Planning Authority under Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (As Amended) (‘the Act’). Interested parties are advised that these matters, in accordance with Section 31(6) of the Act, ‘shall not have effect’, notwithstanding their inclusion in the Plan as adopted by the Council and pending the issuing of the Minister’s Final Direction.
The Draft direction sets out the following:
(a) Delete the following material alterations from the adopted Local Area Plan
(i) Material Alteration MA 29 - i.e. the subject lands revert to Enterprise & Employment from New Residential;
(ii) Material Alteration 30 - i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture and Existing Residential from New Residential;
(iii) Material Alteration MA 31 - i.e. the subject lands revert to Enterprise & Employment from New Residential;
(iv) Material Alteration MA 33 - i.e. the subject lands revert to Recreation & Amenity from New Residential;
(v) Material Alteration MA 34- i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture from New Residential;
(vi) Material Alteration MA 35 - i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture and Recreation & Amenity from New Residential;
(vii) Material Alteration MA 36 - i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture from New Residential;
and apply all necessary consequential updates to the text of the plan consistent with the forgoing.
Draft Direction - Formal Public Consultation
In accordance with the requirements of Section 31(7) of the Act, the Planning Authority will commence a period of public consultation on the Minister’s Notice of Intention to Issue a Direction’ for a period of 2 weeks between the 29th October and 12th November 2024 inclusive, during which time a copy of the Draft Ministerial Direction may be inspected at the following locations:
- At this site - refer to links on right-hand side of this page under materials.
- At the following Council offices during normal office hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday):
- Planning Office, Áras an Chontae, Castlebar, Mayo, F23 WF90 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)
- Ballina Civic Offices, Arran Place, Ballina, Mayo, F26 E5D7 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)
- Ballina Library, Pearce Street, Ballina, Mayo, F26 R229 (Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm (Closed Monday & Sunday)
Written submissions or observations in respect of the Draft Direction may be made to the Planning Authority between the 29th October and 12th November 2024 in the following ways:
- Online: By clicking on the make a submission button opposite.
- By post addressed to:
- Ballina LAP, Forward Planning Office, Áras an Chontae, The Mall, Castlebar, Mayo, F23 EF90
Please note that submissions (redacted for privacy purposes) will be published on this website in accordance with S.13(3A) of the above-noted Act.
The deadline for submissions is on or before 5.00pm on Tuesday 12th November 2024.
Chief Executive’s Report
Following expiry of the 2-week public consultation period and not more than 4 weeks later, a Chief Executive’s Report must be prepared on the submissions/observations received during this period. This Report must then be furnished to the Office of the Planning Regulator, the Elected Members and the Minister for Local Government and Planning.
Update - Ministerial Direction issued 5th July 2024.
Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 - Effective from 8th July 2024
The Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 was formally made by the Elected Members of the Westport/Belmullet Municipal District of Mayo County Council on 27th May 2024. The Plan has effect from 8th July 2024 for a period of 6 years until 2030, save for those items referenced in the section below headed: ‘Draft Ministerial Direction’.
The 2-week public consultation period on the Draft Ministerial Direction on the Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 commenced on 16th July until 30th July 2024 inclusive. For all details see https://consult.mayo.ie/en/consultation/notice-intention-issue-direction-council-minister-local-government-and-planning-westport-local-area
The adopted Westport Local Area Plan and Land Use Zoning Map can be found at the following links:
Westport Local Area Plan 2024-2030 (Subject to Draft Ministerial Direction)
Draft Direction (Minister of State for Local Government and Planning 5th July 2024)
Ministers letter to Chief Executive
On 5th July 2024 the Minister of State for Local Government and Planning issued a
‘Notice of Intention to Issue a Direction’ to the Council under Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (As Amended). The Notice advises of the Minister’s intention to issue a direction to Mayo County Council to omit certain items contained in the above-noted Plan. The Notice specifically cites the following:
The Planning Authority is hereby directed to take the following steps with regard to the Local Area Plan:
(a) Delete the following material alterations from the adopted Local Area Plan:
(i) Material Alterations MA 2 – i.e. Policy DSP 10;
(ii) Material Alterations MA 31 -- i.e. the amendment to Footnote 2 of the Land Use Zoning Matrix Table;
(iii) Material Alterations MA 39 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture as per the Draft Local Area Plan, from Strategic Reserve,
and apply all necessary consequential updates to the text of the plan consistent with the foregoing.
Draft Direction - Formal Public Consultation
- In accordance with the requirements of Section 31(7) of the Act, the Planning Authority must conduct a public consultation on the Minister’s Draft Direction. In this regard, the Authority will publish a statutory notice of the Draft Direction in local newspapers during the week beginning Monday 29th January, 2024, together with a social media campaign to publicise the process. These notices shall include details of where the Draft Direction may be inspected, and how written submissions or observations may be made to the Authority for a period of 2 weeks. This period ran from 16th July 2024 until 30th July 2024 inclusive.
- Following expiry of the 2 week period and not more than 4 weeks later, a Chief Executive’s Report must then be prepared on the submissions/observations received during the public consultation period. This Report must then be furnished to the Office of the Planning Regulator, the Elected Members and the Minister.
(It should be noted that the above noted timelines are as prescribed in the Planning and Development Act and the Authority has no discretion to deviate from them.)
Update - Ministerial Direction issued 1st May 2024.
Update 1st May, 2024: Ministerial Direction In The Matter Of Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage wrote to Mayo County Council on 1st May, 2024 and advised the Authority to take notice that on that date he issued a Direction pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (As Amended) Pursuant to Section 31(7) of the Act. The Minister further advised that, pursuant to Section 31(17) of the Act, the Direction is deemed to have immediate effect and its terms are considered to be incorporated into the Plan.
In light of the foregoing, the Council is required, pursuant to Section 31(2) of the Act to comply with this Direction so as to rectify the matter in a manner that, in the opinion of the Minister, will ensure that the Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan 2023-2029 sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development and meets the requirements of the Act. The Direction requires as follows:
- Provide a clear core strategy table which sets out the area and quantum of housing to be delivered on lands zoned Town Centre, Existing Residential and New Residential. Appropriate densities shall be applied to demonstrate anticipated yield.
- Reinstate the following zoning objectives and associated text to that of the draft Local Area Plan.
- Material Alterations 10, 12, 14 and 21 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture from New Residential
- Material Alterations 13 and 17 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Enterprise & Employment, and Agriculture from New Residential.
- Material Alterations 15 & 18 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Enterprise & Employment from New Residential.
- Delete the following zoning objective from the adopted Local Area Plan, i.e. the subject lands are unzoned:
- Land zoned Enterprise & Employment at Cloonagh (Site EE 1) located to the southwest of Saleen Lough and to the immediate east of the rail line and apply all necessary consequential updates to the text of the plan consistent with the forgoing.
A copy of the Direction can be viewed at the following link: Ministerial Direction
A copy of the Ministers letter can be view at the following link: Ministers Letter
The adopted and in effect Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan 2023-2029and Land Use Zoning Map can be found at the following links:
Environmental Reports
- Castlebar Appropriate Assessment Concluding Statement
- Castlebar Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Report
- Castlebar Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Castlebar Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report
- Castlebar Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement
The finalised environmental reports will be available in the near future.
Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan 2023-2029 - Effective from 17th January 2024
The Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan 2023-2029 was formally made by the Elected Members of the Castlebar Municipal District of Mayo County Council on 27th November 2023. The Plan has effect from 17th January 2024 for a period of 6 years until 2029, save for those items referenced in the section below headed: ‘Draft Ministerial Direction’.
The 2-week public consultation period on the Draft Ministerial Direction on the Castlebar Town & Envions Local Area Plan 2023-2029 commences on 30th January until 13th Februay 2024 inclusive. For all details see consult.mayo.ie
The adopted Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan and Land Use Zoning Map can be found at the following links:
Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan 2023-2029 (Subject to Draft Ministerial Direction)
Draft Direction (Minister of State for Local Government and Planning 16th January 2024)
Ministers letter to Chief Executive
On 16th January 2024 the Minister of State for Local Government and Planning issued a
‘Notice of Intention to Issue a Direction’ to the Council under Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (As Amended). The Notice advises of the Minister’s intention to issue a direction to Mayo County Council to omit certain items contained in the above-noted Plan. The Notice specifically cites the following:
The Planning Authority is hereby directed to take the following steps with regard to the Local Area Plan:
- Provide a clear core strategy table which sets out the area and quantum of housing to be delivered on lands zoned Town Centre, Existing Residential and New Residential. Appropriate densities shall be applied to demonstrate anticipated yield.
- Reinstate the following zoning objectives and associated text to that of the draft Local Area Plan:
- Material Alterations 10, 12, 14 and 21 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Agriculture from New Residential
- Material Alterations 13 and 17 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Enterprise & Employment and Agriculture from New Residential
- Material Alterations 15 and 18 – i.e. the subject lands revert to Enterprise & Employment from New Residential
- Delete the flowing zoning objective from the adopted Local Area Plan, i.e. the subject lands are unzoned:
- Land zoned Enterprise & Employment at Cloonagh (Site EE 1) located to the southwest of Saleen Lough and to the immediate east of the rail line.
and apply all necessary consequential updates to the text of the plan consistent with the foregoing.
Draft Direction - Formal Public Consultation
- In accordance with the requirements of Section 31(7) of the Act, the Planning Authority must conduct a public consultation on the Minister’s Draft Direction. In this regard, the Authority will publish a statutory notice of the Draft Direction in local newspapers during the week beginning Monday 29th January, 2024, together with a social media campaign to publicise the process. These notices shall include details of where the Draft Direction may be inspected, and how written submissions or observations may be made to the Authority for a period of 2 weeks. This period will run from 30th January 2024 until 13th February 2024 inclusive.
- Following expiry of the 2 week period and not more than 4 weeks later, a Chief Executive’s Report must then be prepared on the submissions/observations received during the public consultation period. This Report must then be furnished to the Office of the Planning Regulator, the Elected Members and the Minister.
(It should be noted that the abovenoted timelines are as prescribed in the Planning and Development Act and the Authority has no discretion to deviate from them.)