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Environment, Climate Change & Agriculture

Mayo County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Mayo County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 (PDF)

Comhairle Contae Mhaigh Eo Plean Um Ghníomhú Ar Son Na hAeráide 2024-2029 (PDF)

The Mayo County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 was adopted by Mayo's elected members on 12th February 2024. The Local Authority Climate Action Plan (LACAP) sets out how Mayo County Council (MCC) will be responsible for enhancing climate resilience, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, across its own assets, services, and infrastructure, for which it is fully accountable, whilst also demonstrating a broader role of influencing, advocating, and facilitating other sectors, to meet their own climate targets and ambitions.

This is necessary to ensure that the environmental, social, and economic benefits that come with climate action, can be fully realised. The LACAP sets a clear pathway for Mayo County Council to:

  • Actively translate national climate policy to local circumstances with the prioritisation and acceleration of evidence-based measures; 
  • Assist in the delivery of the climate neutrality objective at local and community levels; and
  • Identify and deliver a Decarbonisation Zone (DZ) within the local authority area to act as a test bed for a range of climate mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity measures in a specifically defined area, through the identification of projects and outcomes that will assist in the delivery of the National Climate Objective “achieving a transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient, and environmentally sustainable society and economy by 2050.”

Supporting documents


To view documents related to the Climate Action Plan Public Consultation process please go to: Mayo County Council Draft Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029 | Mayo County Council


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