Active Travel Projects
Local Transport Plans: Castlebar, Westport & Ballina
The Local Transport Plans (LTP) will guide future transport investment in the larger towns by developing a transport system that epitomises sustainability, accessibility, and community development while catering for demand.
The plans examine all transport modes and how they interacted both in the town centres and environs, and how developing on current infrastructure and incorporating exisitng link routes and reimaginging current traffice routes can provide seamless connectivity for active travel and public transport modes to promote and encourage a shift away from private car usage which will reduce traffic congestion & pollution within the towns.
It is anticipated that both Ballina LTP and Westport LTP will be finalised in late 2024.
The Castlebar LTP was finalised in June 2024, the plan can be viewed below:
- Castlebar Local Transport Plan 2024 - Executive Summary
- Castlebar Local Transport Plan 2024
- Castlebar Local Transport Plan 2024 - Appendices
Castlebar Active Travel Scheme
Mayo County Council have appointed DBFL Consultants to provide a technical consultancy service for phases 2 to 4 of the National Transport Authorities Project Approval Guidelines.
Currently the project is at phase 2 of the guidelines, which is concept development & option selection. The project when completed will provide continuous improved high-quality pedestrian & cyclists facilities, linking the residential areas in the west with employment to the east.
Castlebar Active Travel Scheme will introduce new safe, and high-quality active travel infrastructure which will link up to / extend the existing network, resulting in a better-connected active travel network for Castlebar.
Early public engagement is important to the development of all Active Travel Schemes. Public engagement will commence in the initial stage of the project and will continue through to completion. This engagement will allow for comments and observations throughout the process. Should you wish to have a say in the development of the scheme, please click here. The submission / observation period for this phase is from 15th November to 12th December 2024.
In mid October 2024, traffic survey counts were undertaken in various locations around Castlebar. The survey's were carried out on behalf of Mayo County Council by Tracsis, who specialise in the collection and analysis of traffic (vehicular, pedestrian & cycle).
The survey's will assist in the formulation of active travel plans for Castlebar town.
Westport Deerpark Active Travel Scheme
Mayo County Council have appointed consultant Engineers AECOM to provide a technical consultancy service for phases 2 to 4 of the National Transport Authorities Project Approval Guidelines. The project is currently at phase 3, preliminary design of the guidelines. The phases when complete will provide a connected active travel route from Deerpark Estate to Westport Town Centre.
The scheme adheres to the draft Westport LTP and aligns with the proposed Safe Routes to School Outline Delivery Plan for Holy Trinity National School.
The objective of this project is to remove existing active travel network severance and provide a safe active travel route.
The scheme includes junction tightening, pedestrian crossings, and new / upgraded walking/cycling facilities along the length of N59.
To have your say on the development of this scheme please click here and you will be automatically directed to Consult, which is an infomation and submissions based platform on the development of projects. Submissions and observation on this scheme can be made from 4th to 18th December via this link or by post to "Westport Deerpark Active Travel Scheme", Active Travel Unit, Ballinrobe Area Office, Mayo County Council, Kilmaine Road, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo. Details of the scheme are also avail at Westport Municipal District Office and Westport Library.
Both Castlebar & Westport Deerpark Active Travel Schemes aim to achieve:
- Improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists through the introduction of new / upgraded walking and cycling facilities.
- Provide safe and convenient junction layouts for pedestrians.
- Improve linkages, connections, and access to sustainable transport.
- Facilitate the future and continued sustainable growth and success of Westport & Castlebar.
Safe Routes to School
Mayo County Council, the National Transport Authority & An Taisce, have devised a Safe Routes to School Outline Delivery Plan for the following Natoinal Schools; Brackloon, Carn, Cong & Scoil Iosa.
The Safe Routes to School programme is designed to encourage as many students as possible to walk, cycles & scooter (non-motorised) to school but first the infrastructure must be in place to provide same.
Mayo County Council have appointed Tobin Consulting Engineers to provide a technical consultancy service for phases 2 to 7 of the National Transport Authorities Project Approval Guidelines. The project when complete will provide a safe, sustainable & alternative mode of transport to & from the school gates.
Public engagement will be key to the development of these Schemes from pre-design through to statutory public consultation.
Ballycroy Active Travel Scheme
Installation of new active travel measures in the form of footpaths, pedestrian crossings & public lighting improvements have enhanced Ballycroy village. These works have improved accessibility to the village services for all road users.
Prior to Active Travel Infrastructure Amendments:
Section of completed Active Travel Infrastructure at Ballycroy:
Killala Active Travel Scheme
The Active Travel programme of works for Killala is ongoing, works include the introduction of a one-way traffic route through the town centre along the R314, with HGV’s diverted along the Shore Road.
Pedestrians will also benefit from increased priority access points along the route.
Image of ongoing works at Killala:
Lough Lannagh Active Travel
Completed works in the Lough Lannagh area of Castlebar have improved users’ safety & accessibility creating an uninterrupted connectivity to the town’s footpath and cycle network.
Ballinrobe Urban Greenway
Construction of a Greenway as a cycle & pedestrian route along the eastern outskirts of Ballinrobe town in the townland of Friarsquarter west has commenced. This Greenway will create a safe & alternative environmentally friendly route to access from this area directly to the local primary & secondary School on Convent Road.